Chamber Members

Search our directory of Kindersley Chamber members by keyword and/or category using the search form, or browse alphabetically below.

Jackie’s Delicious Delights

SW 16-27-31 W3rd RM of Snipe Lake
Box 2341, Kindersley SK
S0L 1S0Canada

13069624539 (Main)


Categories: Food Services

Jamac Publishing Ltd.

Box 1150 919 Main Street
Kindersley , Sask. S0L 1S0 Canada

306-463-4611 (Main)


Categories: AdvertisingPrint

Jem Creative Solutions

705J 11th Avenue East
Kindersley , Sask. S0L 1S0 Canada



Categories: AdvertisingDesignPrintSignsWeb Design

Johnson Oilfield Services Ltd.

1017 787 7th Avenue West
Kindersley , Sask. S0L 1S0 Canada

306-463-6066 (Main)

Categories: Oilfield Services