We are new to Kindersley – opened our doors in March 2024 and we feel we can bring an excellent offering with respect to cannabis retailing. We are a family owned/operated business with other locations in Rosetown, Outlook, Davidson, Maple Creek and Shaunovan. These locations are under different brands, but wherever we operate, we are proud to be part of the community. We are drawn to Kindersley by the size of the town and the pace of development. The ownership group previously worked in the oil & gas so we have spent lots of time in the area.
Wild West Weed Co.
1015 Main Street
Kindersley, SK.
S0L 1S0
Kindersley, SK. S0L 1S0
Mon to Sat - 10 am to 9 pm * Sun 11 am to 6 pm
306-463-3141 (Main)
christian@wildwestweed.com (Main)